
a couple days ago i walked by a long dreaded man sitting around with the guards at the front gate at work. We talked for a few minutes and then i took his portrait. Andrew Kaipu. He stopped cutting his hair in 1996. He gave two dreads away as souveigners in Hawaii, one to a basketball player named steve. Then lost ten in a drunken fight at three mile in 2006. Said "its hard for a rasta."


inside of KMC Kenmaity Fried Chicken

outside of KMC Kenmaity Fried Chicken


stop and shop parking lot


put the tape in the tape deck, i said put, the tape in the tape deck


East New Britain visitors in POM general hospital children's ward


lutheran guest house madang


Pteropus aka flying foxes aka huge ass day bats


Port Moresby


Porebada village, half hour drive north west of Moresby

low tide

A family in the village lost their young child a few days ago. He fell off one of the poorly made walkways during high tide and was washed away in the ocean. This is inside the crying house two days after the death. Family and friends are sharing their grief with the parents, which are sitting in the left doorway. The piles of rice and sugar in the middle were donated to the parents by the Governor.

when we left the house there seemed to be a few kids on the walkways waiting for us to come out to get their photo taken


small spider in bush outside of Hote village



Siar island, off madang coast

lord of the flies



Born on Bougainville Island. Lives in Moresby.
Traditional work on cheek and forehead.
Tattoo of Mandarin Chinese characters for Fuck Off done with make-shift gun and bic pen ink.


ela pier yesterday

palms, gas, cranes and drying sneakers

Casper Moses. Drives a public pmv bus route from Maprik to Pagwi (east sepik river) four times a day. After I showed him the back of my camera he looked down at the two full beers laying next to him and said "don't show the boys in the back, hee hee!." It took me a second to realize that his giggling concern was for the safety of his unopened SP stubbies, not the passengers.


pmv bus on east Boroko roundabout