
Kurban Eid/Feast of the Sacrifice

Kurban Eid is the second most popular Islamic holiday after Ramadan. Since the end of the Soviet Union, it has become increasingly popular again in Kazakhstan and Central Asia. The festival dates back to the books of Abraham and the needed sacrifice of his son.

The ancient story says that before Abraham was going to kill his son a ram appeared near by and this animal was used for the sacrifice to god in place of his son. The fact that he agreed before to kill his son on behalf of god proved his faith and he was able to keep his son in the end. Since this day Muslims have been sacrificing camels, goats, sheep etc. yearly. All the sheep pictured here will be bought by city residents and sacrificed during the three day festival.

Each sheep is tagged by the recent buyer to avoid confusion. 
The buyers themselves initiate.

Going through a conveyor belt like process the buyer will receive the meat in less than thirty minutes.

The brain of the sheep has been a delicacy in Kazakhstan since nomadic times. It's believed by some to help our own brain.
Depending on the wealth of the family they can buy one sheep for the whole or one sheep for each member of the family. Then the meat from the animal should be distributed as follows: 1/3 for the immediate family, 1/3 for neighbors and friends, 1/3 for families in need.